A country I'd like to visit (Post 1)

Good afternoon, this is my first official blog an I want to start talking about a country that I would like to go to. 

I would like to tell you that I feel like going to United States, because I would like to learn a new language and this country struck me for the different tourist attractions it has, such a monuments in honor a presidents, such as Mount Rushmore, in which the face of four of the most important president, which commemorate the birth, preservation and development of the American nation.

I can also visit Disneyland, Universal Studios in Orlando and go to visit Los Angeles, a place that has encompassed much of the film industry. 

As I mentioned above I wish I could learn english better, like being able to stay studying for some time, doing a university exchange to be able to see what journalism is like and after that decide whether I would stay or not. 

Well, that was my post today, I hope you liked what I wrote and that you will comment on your opinions regarding my blog, see you till the next time I want to write. 


  1. I would like to study in the United States too! I also feel that you can learn a lot about journalism

  2. Oh babe, you need much money for to visit all the this places. Is a good proyect jeje. (love you).

  3. Youre such a facho pobre. haha im just kidding. When you're travelling around EEUU you can learn how to speak english so fast! Then maybe you become an "expert level 8" in inglish like you want haha <3

  4. Usa is to big for my salad. Maybe i'll have and anxiety attack here jaja But it's a beautiful place if you ignore that lot of things we know and Donald Trump...


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