Book in my life (Post 4)

Hi everyone!

Today, I want to talk about the types of books I like. The books that I like very much are thosewhich there is mystery, terror and drama, as in these I get inside the story, I feel part of it, so in them I need to discover the big secret or read the end immediately. 

A few years ago at school they made me read a book called "Ensayo sobre la ceguera" by Jose Saramago, by the title I trought it would be some biological essay on how blindness affects people, but when I started reading it, I realized I was wrong. Th story is about how in a city people start to go blind out of nowhere, so they start locking these people up an abandoned hospital so that whatever it is that blinds people doesn't spread. This story totally wrapped me up, so I could finish it in a couple of days. As this text had all the features I like about a book, it became one of my favorites. 

Also for this success, I got to know the author Jose Saramago, who became one of my favorites, since his texts call me a lot of attention, as "Las Intermitencias de la muerte" in which one day people stop dying inside a fictional city. 

Now I´m reading "El rebaño" by Óscar Contado. In this book you can see the story of a young man who disappeared in the south of Chile and that this case my be related to the sexual abuse that has been experienced within the catholic chrch. Although I haven't read more than half, I totally recommend because it is very well written and has very good information.

Well, this was my blog four, see you on the next one. 


  1. I was thinking in read "Rebaño" and with your recommendation I'm decided. I will buy it.

  2. Really I didn't expect this, haha. But I'm interested in your recommendations. I don't read terror usually, but I like try.


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