My future job (Post 5)

Hello everyone, I have finally returned to write on this blog, today I want to talk about what would be my ideal job for the future. I would like to work as a journalist, for some television or written media, as  I like the world of television by reaching different people all over the country.

Resultado de imagen para viajes
As a for the written media, I really like the subject of reporter writing informative notes, as it could be in the case of newspapers, I think that's my strongest point currently within the university. 

I imagine myself working fiercely in the country, perhaps as a press correspondent or working directly outside Chile, as I would like to look for new borders in the order to implement my journalistic career. 

I would like to go the United States or some part of Europe, although it is still a long time before I decide what to do when I finish studying. Although I mentions That I want to travel to other countries, I don't know if the work I would like to do would do it in or out of an office, because although I like to go reporter, I find it very stressful, so I prefer to work more indoors, like it could be an office. 

I think like everyone else, I would love my salary to be pretty high, but I know that's unrealistic, because I have to start pushing it to raise wages, so as long as I get paid enough to keep it right, but only at beginning of my career. 


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